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Trager Training course for Bodyworkers

A special Trager Training course for Massage Therapists 

    Graduates of the Akademie for massage & Movement in Amsterdam

The new program for Bodyworkers in Amsterdam starting: Level 1 from August 24 - 29, 2021; Level 2 from February 28 - March 5, 2022  Time: 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM. I will be teaching the Level 2 


Many Massage Therapists are straggling with contractions in their own back neck and shoulders, sometimes damaging themselves up to sever inflammations on their own tendons and joints!

Would you like to feel energized in the end of your working day? To feel that your work is healing your own body as well as your client's.

The Trager Approach will give that and what's more is that this beautiful approach can be utilized in any other touch therapy that you have already learned and practice!

This Training course is for practitioners of any kind of touch therapy, who wants to first, improve his own quality of life and at the same time learn new tools which he will be able to apply in his everyday work.

These tools are related first, to how we can release our own body while working even when it is a hard labor. I myself am using it all the time while working with the Structural Integration of Dr. Rolf.
In addition, yo will also get tools to release after you have made an effort.

What will you get from the training?

  • Essential change in your touch quality in the direction of softer and at the same time deeper and meeting more.
  • Learning how to work in a light and easy manner without harming yourself from repeated efforts.
  • You will learn a new skill that will enable you teaching your clients how to release while in a deep tissue session as well as during their day-to-day life.
  • You will learn how to give your clients the experience of being connected – being a one full unit!
  • You will learn to be energized from your work – your work will become your own therapeutic process!

As a Trager Instructor, I will facilitate this course, which is composed of:
In class: 12 lessons of 8 hours.
Fieldwork: 4 tutorials, 4 sessions from practitioners, Receiving 16 sessions, giving 40 sessions.

The fieldwork will take place in a break in the middle of the course and at the end after the in class lessons.
Upon recommendation from the last tutorial, you will be given a certificate that allows you to use the Trager principles that you have learned in this course within your practice as a Massage therapist.

Continuing Education:

This program allows you by adding the missing tutorials and sessions to continue to level 3 of the Trager training program.
That is 2 tutorials and 20 sessions. The tutorials need to be recommendation tutorials so they need to be done on the Tutor.

The coming cours will start at the Akademie for Massage and movement in Amsterdam on October 5th 
all the details are in the Akademie website
If you are interested, please mail or call Petra van Os     06-27065856.

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