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Three Models – relating to Lower Back Problems


A 1-day workshop on Lower back problems from the approaches of                     

                       Dr. Rolf, Dr. Trager and Paula Garburg.

November 2 at the Akademie for Massage and Movement in Amsterdam sighn up Here!

The main difference between the approach of Rolf and Trager is that the one is relating to alignment while the other is relating to quality of feeling – to being. The third approach the one of Paula Garburg in a way includes both of them, but in a very different way!

The Structural integration of Rolf brings balance between front and back and side-to-side in order to eliminate local pressure and pain. The higher state of health depends on the correct functioning of the Psoas muscle – a function that can be awaken through the correct function of the feet! On the other side, a specific local treatment can many times give good results as well.

The Trager approach do not put its trust on the understanding of good body functioning but on what a good feeling is and how we can get it by asking the subconscious mind about it! The point is that the subconscious mind can restore health and good feeling through movement and all we need to do is stay out of the way. The practitioner first helps to experience it through passive movements – waves of movement through the body and then encourage the client to re-live it through his own active movement. Questions like: how does it feel when it is freer? Softer? Lighter? are asked. The answers comes as an immediate better feeling in the body!

Paula's Method is very close to the Trager approach relating to the invitation of a therapeutic natural movement, and yet, it contains some elements that resembles the alignment of DR. Rolf! The triggers that are awakening the natural movement in the Paula method balances the tension between the front and the back and the right and the left side of the body. In lower back pain, we can many times help already through the phone with the proper exercise!

In this special workshop you will get a tool from each of this approaches, and become not only more efficient with your treatments but also more knowledgeable about the different ways to help and when is it best to treat with one way and when with the other. 

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