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Standing Between Trager and Structural Integration

Standing in between these two modalities as I have learned them more or less at the same time, has developed in me the option of seeing them as complimentary rather than contradictory!
They both teach us something about standing on this earth. 
One defines exactly where is our center so that when we use it we can save a lot of energy!
The other is teaching more about how to let go unnecessary muscle holdings so that we can really benefit from the use of the middle line of the body.
When we only know where the center is – it is not enough.
When we only know how to let go – it is still not enough!

Knowing how to let go into the ground our unnecessary muscle holdings through the central axis – actually creates the lightness in our body! 
Moreover, we stay organized and therefore efficient in our movements and can deliver more power or weight when necessary!
The Zoom Lecture - hosted by the U.S.A. Trager Association

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