Trager Approach

Level 3 Training course in Israel January 2018

The class will be conducted in English to allow guests from abroad to participate.  
It will take place 5 days from January 15 until January 19 in Tel Aviv. 

This Class is only for Trager Students who have done already Level 2 And for practitioners or students who wants to repeat the class with a different teacher.

Psycho Physical Integration – The Trager Approach

Do you feel that your body is tense, contracted, strained?

A top orthopedist had pronounced that recovery was impossible

10/10/2014 - 00
When I first came to Avi a year and a half ago I was in very poor shape. My posture had collapsed to the left, apparently due to a worsening in my scoliosis. Walking was difficult, sitting was difficult -- getting through the day was difficult. I was reduced to short periods of gentle movement interrupted by long periods of rest. A top orthopedist had pronounced that recovery was impossible -- that the only solution would be long spinal fusion of some 17 vertebrae.
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