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orthopedic problems
Do you suffer from?
Disk herniation?
- Back pain?
- Scoliosis?
- Emotional condition deriving from physiological problem?
Have you tried conventional medicine, alternative medicine, massage, physiotherapy, but nothing really helped?
Treating Scoliosis - what can be done?
A top orthopedist had pronounced that recovery was impossible
10/10/2014 - 00
When I first came to Avi a year and a half ago I was in very poor shape. My posture had collapsed to the left, apparently due to a worsening in my scoliosis. Walking was difficult, sitting was difficult -- getting through the day was difficult. I was reduced to short periods of gentle movement interrupted by long periods of rest. A top orthopedist had pronounced that recovery was impossible -- that the only solution would be long spinal fusion of some 17 vertebrae.
Opening a [New] Future
Using the "Rolfing” technique in children and young adults suffering from scoliosis, can not only retard its progression, but can even reverse it by straightening the degree curvature significantly.
The extent to which an integrated therapy of opening fascial adhesions and movement exercises can relieve the pain of individuals with mild scoliosis can be learnt from the case of Naama (pseudo name).
A few months ago Naama (a young woman aged 29) arrived at my clinic for treatment.
A few months ago Naama (a young woman aged 29) arrived at my clinic for treatment.
Is it possible to avoid back pains when sitting? Absolutely yes.
Most cases of lower back pain nowadays are due to long incorrect way of sitting!
Exercises to prevent back pain when sitting - starts with learning how to sit!
In the past, most cases were an outcome of an over extended lower back arch (Lordosis), and today it is the opposite! Most cases are a result of an extension of lower back muscles due to a reverse arch in the lower back during long time sitting position!
Straightening the line.
Modern medicine doesn’t treat people suffering from slight scoliosis*. The treatment for relieving the pain and preventing further deterioration can be found in the treatment combining the opening of the adhesion of the covering of the muscle and movement.
Many back pain problems are cause by sitting incorrectly.
רוב המקרים היום של כאבי גב תחתון, נגרמים כתוצאה מישיבה ממושכת ולא נכונה!
בעבר רוה המקרים נבעו מקשת מוגברת בגב התחתון ואילו היום בדיוק להיפך - רוב המקרים נגרמים בגלל מתיחת יתר של הגב התחתון במהלך ישיבה ממושכת מול מחשב ו/או נהיגה!
lower back pain is the most common area for back pain.
sometimes this causes problems in upper parts of the back too!

What is unique in the Bahat Method?
It allows you optimal functioning without pain and stress, while learning balance between
Letting Go and Organisation
Letting Go and Organisation
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