lower back pain

כאבי גב תחתון הם כאבי הגב הנפוצים ביותר, ובימינו במקרים רבים סיבה משמעותית להופעתם או/ו להחמרתם היא ישיבה ממושכת ולא נכונה! אנשים רבים מוצאים לעצמם פיתרון לבייעת כאב הגב התחתון ע"י ביטול הקשת המותנית עד כדי התעגלות קטנה של הגב. בתחילה הם מוצאים כך מזור לכאב האקוטי אך לאורך זמן הם מייצרים פרה דיספוזיציה (מתכון) להיתפסות משמעותית של הגב. ההתעגלות המתמשכת של הגב התחתון מייצרת מתיחה כרונית שם . המתיחה מחלישה שם את השרירים וזו הסיבה שפתאום אפילו מאמץ קטן ביותר של השרירים האלה גורם להתפסות של גב - זהו המקרה הקלאסי של "הקש ששבר את גב הגמל."

I feel lucky to have found Avi and would recommend him highly

04/06/2018 - 00

“Avi was such a help while I was on vacation and having some real pain. I was very lucky as he picked up the phone, gave me an appointment the next day, squeezed me in the next week and I was able to function relatively well on my vacation after I had seen him only twice. Avi did a great job of figuring out the patterns and dynamics in my body and his manual manipulation felt good and made sense to me physically, mentally and emotionally.  I felt that I was literally in good hands and I was confident in his knowledge and technique.

Testimonial from a Body Psychotherapist

07/06/2016 - 00

As a body – oriented therapist I am aware of the amount of information stored in our bodies, which we used as an armor to protect ourselves over the years. I received the 10 Structural Integration sessions from Avi. I felt this could help me get more space in my body. Less pain and it would make me longer! Avi taught me how I can use the support from the environment such as the floor or a chair. These practical exercises are tools for life. Contact Avi I highly recommend!

The essence and core of what body work healing is all about

26/12/2012 - 00

Avi is in a league of his own! In my view he represent the essence and core of what body work healing is all about His in depth knowledge experience, continuous education and never seething interest and curiosity combine with his psychological insights and passion for healing is an unbeatable combination so rare that I can safely state that throughout my rather long life (I am now 72) I have only come across someone similar in the same profession maybe twice. And by the way I think I was very lucky in this regard. 

Do you suffer from?

  • Disk herniation?
  • Back pain?
  • Scoliosis?
  • Emotional condition deriving from physiological problem?

Have you tried conventional medicine, alternative medicine, massage, physiotherapy, but nothing really helped?

Is it possible to avoid back pains when sitting? Absolutely yes.

Most cases of lower back pain nowadays are due to long incorrect way of sitting!

Exercises to prevent back pain when sitting - starts with learning how to sit!

In the past, most cases were an outcome of an over extended lower back arch (Lordosis), and today it is the opposite! Most cases are a result of an extension of lower back muscles due to a reverse arch in the lower back during long time sitting position!

Many back pain problems are cause by sitting incorrectly. 
רוב המקרים היום של כאבי גב תחתון, נגרמים כתוצאה מישיבה ממושכת ולא נכונה!
בעבר רוה המקרים נבעו מקשת מוגברת בגב התחתון ואילו היום בדיוק להיפך - רוב המקרים נגרמים בגלל מתיחת יתר של הגב התחתון במהלך ישיבה ממושכת מול מחשב ו/או נהיגה!

lower back pain is the most common area for back pain. 

sometimes this causes problems in upper parts of the back too!

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